Definition of Coral snake

1. Noun. Any of various venomous elapid snakes of Asia and Africa and Australia.

2. Noun. Any of several venomous New World snakes brilliantly banded in red and black and either yellow or white; widely distributed in South America and Central America.

Definition of Coral snake

1. Noun. Any of various venomous snakes of the genera ''Micrurus'' and ''Micruroides'', native to tropical South America and Southern USA and having bright bands of red, yellow and black. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Coral Snake

coral bean
coral bean tree
coral bleaching
coral bush
coral calculus
coral drops
coral fungus
coral gem
coral honeysuckle
coral necklace
coral pea
coral reef
coral reefs
coral root
coral snake
coral snakes
coral tree
coral vine
coral vines

Literary usage of Coral snake

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Days of a Man: Being Memories of a Naturalist, Teacher, and Minor by David Starr Jordan (1922)
"The vicious coral snake, brilliant red belted with black, is colored almost exactly like the handsome and beneficent King Snake of the Sierra Nevada ..."

2. Pioneering in South Brazil: Three Years of Forest and Prairie Life in the by Thomas Plantagenet Bigg-Wither (1878)
"Their life and ours.— Morant's adventure with 'ji snake.—The coral-snake.—Other snake encounters. IT was the last night of the Old Year. ..."

3. The Animal Kingdom Arranged in Conformity with Its Organizationby Georges Cuvier, Edward Griffith, Charles Hamilton Smith, Edward Pidgeon, John Edward Gray, George Robert Gray by Georges Cuvier, Edward Griffith, Charles Hamilton Smith, Edward Pidgeon, John Edward Gray, George Robert Gray (1831)
"With irregular black and white rings. S. America. Common coral snake. ... 2?. t. 28. Copper colour, with white spot on tail. Spotted coral snake. ..."

4. Wild Life in the Interior of Central America by George Byam (1849)
"THE coral snake. — A CORAL AND KITTEN.—THE IGUANA. CENTRAL AMERICA actually swarms with snakes of every size and almost every description. ..."

5. My Rambles in the New World by Lucien Biart, Mary De Hauteville (1877)
"The mist—Aerial gardens—An armadillo—The temple—Sculptures and hieroglyphics—The coral snake—The ibis—Belzebuth monkeys—The tapirs—A nest of ..."

6. Belgravia by Mary Elizabeth Braddon (1869)
"Foremost among them is the coral-snake. It is not a large snake, being only about four ... Unfortunately the coral-snake abounds in Central America, and, ..."

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